This Website tells about me and my carrer.I have exposed the things that I know.My website put an end to searching unnecessarily in search engines by wasting money and time. More than money every body needs to consumes time in this mechanical world. That?s why I have planned to create a website which covers every thing that people need.
For past three years I was keep on searching things in website, that induced me to create a website like this. Hence I lost my time and money by searching in terms of getting knowledge from various site, I thought of bringing all the concepts and technologies all together for those people who search of information in sites like me.
My website provide various Programming concepts, OS concepts, Data Structures and on Graphics too. To learn more about programming languages you can make use of sample programs available in my website. One can make use different platforms to run their programs. This website also gives guidelines for middleware programming. My website also helps to write programs to run in EJB, COM, and CORBA. To learn more about EJB, COM and CORBA, this website provides sample programs to run with their own platforms.
Another important thing in this website is, it provide you a quality software product?s link by which one can reach their need through just one link without searching for a while. Popular antivirus, media players and some operating systems are available in my website. My website also provides superior consulting solution?s address which helps the people who are all seeking for job. ?
Dedication and professionalism are the keys to our success?, in addition to these words one should keep on searching too. In this site Placement guidelines, placement offers by where and when the recruitment take place are available. A placement guide prepared by Mr.M.Thiyagaraaj is also available here. At last but not least, in this website you can avail of ideas for your mini projects and you can put queries regarding upcoming trends in the IT fields.